World Travel Stories

A travel adventures stories blog.

Animals travel advices? No matter the means of travel you chose, you always have to plan ahead in case your cat slips away from you (God Forbid!). Make sure your cat is wearing his harness with a leash on it allowing you to easily grab him in case he tries to pull a fast one on you. You should also have a way of tracking and identifying your cat such as through the use of a cat collar with a name and your cell phone number. A modern and more accurate way of tracking down your cat is by using a microchip. This can be installed by a vet before you travel making it easy to keep tabs on your cat by simply scanning the chip. It would be a shame to travel all the way with your cat only to find out that they don’t allow pets. A quick call to your hotel before traveling will clear things up allowing you to get the best accommodation for both of you.

You may be wondering how you can transport your cat in the car without stress. While cat sedative for travelling in car is certainly an answer, they should definitely be a last resort. Yes, cats will get anxious and stressed when in the car, and you will see this by them meowing, panting a lot, and being generally ill at ease. If you have an especially psychotic cat, sedation may be your only option. But there are other ways you can make your car trip with your cat less frightening without using sedatives. Before drugging your cat, I suggest trying one of these methods.

My name is Lucas and I have 2 ragdoll cats. First, there is Grandma Cat (GC) and she is 24 years old. Second is Maya and she turns 14 this year. Both are Seal point (well maybe mitted) Ragdolls, and as you might expect have their fair share of personality. I quite like cats and this site is all about living and travelling with ragdoll cats. Hope you enjoy the site and feel free to contact me. If you are looking for pet travel info you can read extra information on 5 best types of medicine to calm cats for travel.

With that said, cats prefer small spaces, so you don’t want to get them a massive carrier. We’ll talk more about how to choose the appropriate size a little later. Soft carriers are going to be easier to clean than a cardboard carrier, but it is important that you choose a soft carrier that has something in the bottom to prevent the carrier from sagging while you’re carrying it. In most cases, the carrier will have lightweight framework that will prevent this. In a properly sized carrier, your cat will be able to stand up comfortably and will be able to peer out at the world without having to duck their head. They should also have enough space inside the crate for them to turn around comfortably and be able to lay down with their paws extended.

Cats can get restless or hyper all of a sudden and this can easily cause anyone to panic. If there’s one thing you should remember about how to calm down your cat in a car, it’s that you must always remain calm yourself. Try to comfort your cat while it’s inside the carrier, but don’t let it out if it gets especially restless. You might consider bringing sedatives or tranquilizers as prescribed by your vet. Car travel with cats may seem like a task that only brave souls dare try. But in times when there’s no choice but to bring your cat with you on road travel, it’s not entirely impossible if you have a lot of patience and make the right preparations. You can enjoy peaceful car travel with your cat. Discover more details at